Abandoned Office building Security has increased over time, will be demolished within a year I think. Ok condition, several floors Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a... Ivar Other
Abandoned Bank Old abandoned bank and gas station Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a pic from Google Maps... Albert Other
2 old buildings One is full of graffiti at the top and in the other one you have to jump through a window / or... skibidigy Other
Office building Pretty open but easy way in Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a pic from Google Maps... Jan Other
Chiesa Madonna della Guardia Old church from 1600s with abandoned farmhouse Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a pic from Google Maps... AleCiuff Other
Port Authority Building Patras It’s a Port Services series of Buildings abandoned for about 20 years, one day will be demolished because there are plans about... Zpider Other