All Transportation


Enter at 76th street west side in riverside park walk up path behind baseball field watch out for amtrack police


Petite ceinture

Tunnel and old railway line around Paris


Marlborough Abandoned Tunnel

This is a tunnel 20 minute walk away from Marlborough town UK. It is along a deconstructed railway path.


"Spasatel" prototype

“Spasatel” prototype Lun-class ekranoplan


Hut next to the Jahreskreisweg

There is a small hut next to the Jahreskreisweg in Allerheiligen. There are mid sized water pipes, used to transport water somewhere...

Old Trainbridge

Follow the paved road through the wood. After passing the 2nd bridgetunnel climb up on the left side.


Tunel carretera abadonada

Madrid Chamartin Station in the parking lot There is a large tunnel Beware that there may be strange people.


Railroad House

An old house that was probably used at some point by railroad workers since tracks are close by.


Abandoned Steel Bridge

An old walking bridge just off of a greenway in the Crabtree region of Raleigh North Carolina


Etoy Warehouse

Large Warehouse previously used as truck loading/unloading facility.
