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Verlaten postnl kantoor

There are cameras and is right next to the lisser village so you have to pay attention. recommended to go at night,...

Abandoned office

Enter through back park, has a trail leading to house


Abandoned Office building

Security has increased over time, will be demolished within a year I think. Ok condition, several floors Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a...

Abandoned Bank

Old abandoned bank and gas station Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a pic from Google Maps


2 old buildings

One is full of graffiti at the top and in the other one you have to jump through a window / or...


There are some WW2 building in this area in Lithuania



Old grave in beautiful wild parc


COMSAT Facility

Satellite Research and Development Facility



Abandoned Land Registry


Office building

Pretty open but easy way in Note by UrbeXplorer: Added a pic from Google Maps
